About our store
SunGoods LLC was established in 2014 by Ashot Aslikyan, a farmer with more than 10 years of experience in agriculture activities such as crop cultivation, dried fruit production. The company is specialized in production of the following dried fruits and vegetables: black plum, peach, apricot, rose-hip, pear, apples, cherries, tomatoes, melon. In 2016 the company received organic certification and started production of organic dried fruits. SunGoods production is consumed not only in Armenia; the company is exporting also to France, Russian Federation (www.raw-eating.ru, www.armfrukt.ru) and Georgia; and is currently searching new partnership opportunities mainly in European market and also Russia, Moldova and Ukraine.
The Company’s products are of higher quality, in terms of raw materials and production methods. Raw materials are selected very thoroughly, and no chemicals are used during the production process.
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SunGoods LLC is known as a producer of natural and premium quality dried fruits. The raw materials are selected very strictly, taking into account their quality, allowed quantity of pesticides and other features. The fruits are washed thoroughly, cut and dried in fruit dryers. The ready products are filled in containers and kept in refrigerators under required temperature conditions.
Since 2016 the Company has been working with Organic Agriculture Support Initiative (OASI) for organizing organic production. Today the Company has organic certification and offers organic production to its customers.
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